Work in Progress - February- March 2002

stage proof of the bag of shoes drypointBag of Shoes. This stage-proof image of a February 2002 print is now nearly complete. It is a copper dry-point image of a dancer with her shoes, and it provides a preview of a new edition of prints that became available in March, 2002. To compare this stage-proof with the final version, visit the "Art" portion of our site, or select this link.

This pen, brush, and ink painting is of the same model in the "bag of shoes" drypoint. A gift for the model. Painting of the bag of shoes model

Backstage Conversation is a drypoint produced in January 2002 in an edition limited to 25. image of backstage conversation drypoint

image of the columbine doll engravingWe are still going back and forth about a name for this drypoint print, created in January 2002 and now being editioned during February 2002. Suggested titles include "Columbine in shadow", "Columbine doll", and "Watcher". Do you have suggestions? (Update: we finalized the name as "Wings 1: Mechanical Doll")

Link to the December 2001 Work in Progress Page
Link to the November 2001 Work in Progress Page

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All content and images copyright © 2001 B. H. Giza. All rights reserved. Updated April 13, 2002.